Thursday, 19 October 2017

Do you Need anti-virus/ anti-malware on your smart phone?

I have something to share. It may not be relevant nor important. And I'm not sure if it should be important or not. 

The question is : Do you need an antivirus or internet security software on your android phone?

Since I'm in the IT line of work. I use the internet intensively a lot. And most of the time, answers I need are from the internet. We do know for one thing is whenever we use our computers or smartphone to connect to the internet, make sure we use the public group especially when we're surfing from cafes or restaurants, where the internet is given free while you drink, eat or sleep. And its safe to surf or connect home internet or data internet provided by our phone telecommunication. However, we have see so many movies where there are black hat hackers that can capture our smartphone data easily.

And nowadays, our smartphones are like our digital wallet, diary, passbook, identity. Without proper usage and protection, with internet connection, public or private network, where there is a will, there is a way.

Now scams come in many different forms. Emails, messaging, unknown apps which can somehow be found on playstore.

Sure, we can have save internet surfing using vpn. But not all free vpn are giving fast surfing. Some have to pay. Would love to hear from your point of opinion. Should you need an antivirus or internet security app on your android phone. For all we know, these internet security apps themselves are in a way a hack ability function for them to keep track of users and their phone usage. But I believe they (white hat hackers) are used for the users' protection.

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