Thursday, 22 October 2020

How to Remove Edge Browser Tabs From Alt+Tab on Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10 October 2020 Update is out today. The update isn’t a major one, but it does see some interesting tweaks. These include changes to the Start menu and the way the Alt Tab function works.

The Start Menu, Microsoft is doing away with the solid background behind app icons. This gives a cleaner look to the start menu, it’s overall still the same Start Menu, just that it looks a little cleaner.

As for the Alt Tab function, this is something that would only affect those who use Microsoft Edge. Just before this update, Alt Tab not only lets you switch between your open windows, but also any Edge browser tabs you have. With the update, you can turn this off so that you get the classic Alt Tab experience.

And finally, the Windows 10 October 2020 update, you’ll be able to switch to higher refresh rates from the settings menu. Before this, you’ll have to go to the app that manages your graphics cards.

While the Windows 10 October 2020 update rolls out today, you may not be able to get it immediately. Microsoft is throttling availability over the coming weeks so that the update experience is a smooth one for everyone. (courtesy: Link)

If you like to remove the Edge Browser Tabs on Windows 10, here is the link to the steps. 

  1. In Settings, navigate to System > Multitasking.
  2. In Multitasking settings, scroll down until you see “Pressing Alt+Tab shows” and click the drop-down menu beneath it.
  3. In the menu that appears, select “Open Windows Only.”
  4. After that, close Settings. The next time you use Alt+Tab, you will no longer see Edge tabs as separate entries in the task switcher. Instead, you’ll only see Edge windows listed.
Below is the link to show you with photos/screenshots as guide. 

Wednesday, 21 October 2020

:: NOTICE: Conditional Movement Control Order effective 22nd October 2020 until tentatively 28th October 2020.

Here is another COVID19 update. 

As of today, 22nd October 2020, with immediate effect, CMCO or Conditional Movement Control Order has been implemented around my area Kuala Lumpur, Petaling, Klang,  with some other states as well. Unfortunately, all my service areas are covered in the CMCO restriction zone. All travelling on-site services will be paused until CMCO has been lifted up. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

:: NOTICE: Recovery Movement Control Order as of 1st September 2020 until 31st December 2020

Sorry for the late post. As of 1st September 2020, the Recovery Movement Control Order has been extended again until end of this year 31st December 2020. As to previous post, no changes to my services. 

At this time, JEZ Consult can resume business such as onsite visit but again with conditions as well. The onsite place needs to have a temperature reading and the people in the office are required to wear facial mask. Social distancing is the new normal. So, please apologize if when we visit, we do not extend our hands to shake if you gestured so. Certain place also are still restricted depended on the Health Ministry chart zones. Currently any area that are placed as Extended Movement Control Order or EMCO and is deemed as Orange or Red zones, we do not provide onsite services. These restrictions is also on JEZ Consult not taking any Desktop or Laptop back to check for errors and repairs.

For those Desktops and Laptops that needs fixing, we will try to fix it on the spot as we currently still have the restrictions to bring back to office to check and repair. However, dependent on the complexity of the problem, we will consider to take back the unit for repair as well (For areas not under the Red zones). We will provide with the best solution possible and time taken to repair depending on the problem. 

For customers' which computers problems are non-related to connectivity of on-site network connection issues, are advised to send back to their respective Head office. This is because, we had previous issue of calling the engineer to onsite places which are still not mapped on Google Maps (especially construction sites still under development) with a permanent address location. Additional charges will be added if needed us to deliver their computers back to their head office. 

Also, currently not doing services to customer's at home or at their house. As there are no temperature checking and MySejahtera scan to houses. So, its better not venture to uncharted territories. 

UPDATE! Starting 9th October 2020, one district in Selangor has been placed under Conditional Movement Control Order. The area is Klang. I have a regular supplier for laptop and notebook repairs. So, for the mean time, no laptop repairs (major problems that involves motherboard, fan parts and laptop components) are possible. But for minor repairs such as hard disk, RAM, are still possible.