Wednesday, 13 May 2020

:: NOTICE: Conditional Movement Control Order as of 12 May to 9 June 2020

Malaysia Government has extended its Movement Control Order with Conditions some businesses can be open provided they follow the Standard Operating Procedure. This has started already since May 4, 2020. But the official kick off date is from May 12 to 9 June 2020. Its to be called as Conditional Movement Control Order or CMCO for short.

At this time, JEZ Consult can resume business such as onsite visit but again with conditions as well. The onsite place needs to have a temperature reading and the people in the office are required to wear facial mask. Social distancing is a must. So, please apologize if when we visit, we do not extend our hands to shake if you gestured so. Certain place also are still restricted depended on the Health Ministry chart zones. Currently any area that are placed as Extended Movement Control Order or EMCO and is deemed as Orange or Red zones, we do not provide onsite services. These restrictions is also on JEZ Consult not taking any Desktop or Laptop back to check for errors and repairs.

For those Desktops and Laptops that needs fixing, we will try to fix it on the spot as we currently have the restrictions to bring back to office to check and repair. This of course, we will see the conditions of the repair. It will take a longer time than the usual 2 to 3 days as we are fixing onsite. We will provide with the best solution possible and time taken to repair depending on the problem.

Please apologize for any inconvenience caused.